简介:A group of male and female prostitutes make preparations for a big event happening at a shady club where audiences will come to watch them perform sexual acts on stage.
简介:In London, Vincent Monroe is a young man addicted in blood that wanders through the red light district looking for lonely people to satisfy his addiction, dropping their bodies in the Thames River. When the stripper Ruby Stone meets Vincent in a coffee shop after her show, they immediately fall in love with each other. They have one night stand and Vincent does not resist and bites Ruby's neck, freaking her out. Ruby leaves his apartment and returns to the night-club, where the psycho pimp that is obsessed on her harasses her. Vincent finds Ruby fainted in an alley and soon she discovers that Vincent has turned her into a vampire. Ruby convinces Vincent to stop drinking human blood and seek out a cure in Edinburgh. But the sadistic psycho, who has killed fifteen women, has discovered their address and is stalking Ruby. —Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
简介:玛丽(朱迪斯•戴维斯 Judith Davis 饰)从乡下来到法国里昂国家音乐学院进修钢琴演奏,借住在童年好友艾玛(伊希尔•勒•贝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 饰)的公寓里。儿时很害羞少语的艾玛长大后变得成熟自信,让玛丽深深着迷,产生了不一样的感情。玛丽所在的学院学期末考核要求学生必须弹奏舒曼的狂欢节外加两首自选歌曲,因为课程上高标准的要求,玛丽不得不牺牲很多娱乐时间来严格练习钢琴。因而她大部分时间都是在艾玛陪伴下度过,二人分享着彼此生活的快乐,感情日益深厚。一次舞会上玛丽受到陌生男子的骚扰无法脱身时,艾玛及时相救,并给与安慰,使玛丽倍感温暖,二人的爱欲一触即发。但艾玛对玛丽日益强烈的控制欲却让事情走向了不可控制的方向….