简介:At the U.S. Secret Operations Center a small group of doctors led by Kim Delaney are experimenting with a metallic skin on a frozen cadaver. This particular body is that of a secret agent that succumbed twenty years earlier to self injection of a blood sample from a...werewolf. Barry Bostwick plays the evil Colonel harboring the blueprints for this gruesome experiment. Thus the...
简介:别名 Learning to Lie 这是一部有关男人成长的艺术电影。也有人把其称作德国版的;美国派故事从1982年的德国讲起,即将走出校园的少年赫尔穆,喜欢上了少女布丽塔,于是,两个同样渴望爱的少男少女走到了一起,在圣诞夜的亲密接触后,布丽塔告别了赫尔穆去了美国读书,怅然若失的赫尔穆感到十分彷徨,他开始主动接触身边的女孩,一段风流日子后,一切都成为过去,随着阅历的丰富,父母的离异,蒂娜的真情,让他变得成熟了,也懂得了什么是自己真正的需要。
简介:Payton Collins: Serial Rapist is a delicious new slice of "Darkotica"™ from director Toby Ross - featuring plenty of full frontal nudity from an adorable cast of hung young dudes sporting sizeable erections.
简介:This Thai flick is pretty funky in its’ production values and acting level – plays kind of like a high-school made video. The ‘plot’ involves the ‘ghost’ of a girl who was saved from a rape by a witch/ghost who then inhabits her body and wreaks vengeance on a series of unsuspecting guys by murdering them during sex (chomping off their privates!). A group of students makes a fie...
简介:A chance meeting in a bar one night and love in a hotel room all changed in the life of Martin Blake. Charming blonde , mastered his feelings , does not come to the next meeting and getting to make this erotic obsession .