简介:습도가 높은 어느 불쾌한 여름날, 코로나로 인해 존폐 위기에 놓인 영세한 극장에서 퇴물 영화감독 이희준의 신작 시사회가 열린다. 극장 사장이 정부 정책을 핑계대며 에어컨 가동을 거부하자, 더위에 지친 관객들의 불평과 예상치 못한 진상들의 공격이 거세지면서 알바생 찰스의 인내심도 바닥나기 시작한다.
简介:직장 상사와의 ‘불쾌 통쾌’한 한 판 승부!직원들에게 폭풍 갑질을 일삼는 꼰대 of 꼰대 ‘김 회장’한편, 그의 수행기사 ‘창수’는 뒷좌석에서 쏟아지는‘김 회장’의 폭언에 하루하루 시달리는 이 시대의 ‘을’이다평소처럼 만취한 ‘김 회장’의 갑질 속에서 운전대를 잡는 ‘창수’하지만 점점 도가 넘는 행동에 오늘만큼은 더 이상 참을 수가 없는데...깊이 억누르고 있던 을의 분노가 폭발하기 시작한다!
简介:Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter.But when Park Kun-young's careful and precise direction begins to focus on the details of Jinwoo's existence, slowly revealing his restless soul, we gradually discover the complexity of the reasons that led to Jinwoo's extreme choice to retire in the countryside to live like a shepherd.The arrival at the ranch of Jinwoo’s longtime male friend from university, Hyunmin, upsets all balance. Moonkyeong, the ranch owner’s daughter, who has a crush on Jinwoo, accidentally discover the two men in bed and shortly afterwards Jinwoo’s twin sister, and Seol’s birth mother, shows up at the ranch after years of absence and silence and wants to take her daughter back to Seoul.The community of that small country place, which seemed kind and nice, slowly reveals their true colours and deep disapproval of the two men's relationship. The fragile sandcastle of happiness that Jinwoo has struggled to build is crumbling and the cold, harsh winter is upon him.Giovanna Fulvi